Sponsor Information
Thank you so much for your support of this conference! We are immensely grateful not only for your financial support but also for the expertise you provide and share with delegates. Your presence enriches these professional meetings in so many ways and we are excited to have you join us. We hope that these sponsorship levels will prove to be mutually beneficial, such that your organization is able to get both the exposure and valuable delegate interaction time you seek.
Sponsor Registration Form
Exhibit Floor Layout
Sponsorship Levels
- 8’x8′ exhibit space with 1 table
- 1 registrant included
- 1 promotional item for conference bags
- 8’x8′ exhibit space with 1 table
- 1 registrant included
- 1 promotional item for conference bags
- Quarter page ad in program
- 8’×8′ exhibit space with 1 table
- 2 registrants included
- 1 conference bag promotional item
- 12 minutes of dome time
- Logo associated with paper or panel session
- Quarter page ad in program
- 8’×8′ exhibit space with 1 table
- 2 registrants included
- 1 conference bag promotional item
- 27 minutes of dome time
- Logo associated with a regular meal Quarter page ad in program
- 8’×8′ exhibit space with 1 table
- 2 registrants included
- 1 conference bag promotional item
- 27 minutes of dome time
- Logo associated with a specialty meal/event (reception, banquet, or farewell breakfast)
- Full page ad in program
- Choice of – 1 additional registrant – 15 extra minutes of dome time, or – Additional 8×8 foot exhibit space
Promotional Items Information
Each Sponsor is allowed 1 promotional item for the welcome bags. These items can include a brochure, a swag item, a logo sticker, a business card, etc. Please send all promotional items to the following address:
US Space and Rocket Center Sales
ATTN: Abigail Peterson
1 Tranquility Base
Huntsville, AL 35705
Please email abigailp@spacecamp.com with confirmation of mailing and a tracking number.
Dome Information
The INTUITIVE Planetarium is a tilted (30-degree), 67-foot diameter, NanoSeam dome with 248 unidirectional seats and 4+ wheelchair-accessible spots. It is fully digital and uses five 4k, RGB laser projectors, with Digistar 7 software. A schematic of the inside of the theater and console area can be provided upon request.
Content can be provided as a set of up to 8K dome masters in tif, png, or jpg format on a hard drive. Please clearly label your drive with your organization name and contact info.
We highly recommend including a simple text (README) file containing this information in case any labels on the outside of the drive fall off. We will be happy to slice content for our system free of charge provided the files arrive 30 days prior to the conference start. After that date we can’t guarantee that content will be encoded in time for the conference, so you may have to have another organization do it, which may involve a charge. All content must be submitted no later than July 22nd. Send to:
US Space and Rocket Center Sales
ATTN: Abigail Peterson
1 Tranquility Base
Huntsville, AL 35705
Please contact the conference host to arrange for setup/test time in the dome. The planetarium will be running normal public shows during the day throughout the week of the conference. This means setup and tear down time will either have to be early in the morning or in the evening. Times can be arranged ahead of the conference, starting as early as Friday August 19th.