SEPA Professional Development Fund

The SEPA Professional Development Fund was set up by SEPA Council and is funded by proceeds from the Silent Auction held at conference, as well as from member and vendor donations.

Who administers the fund? The Professional Development Committee (PDC) is appointed at the beginning of each year. The President-elect or Past-President will chair the committee. Other members traditionally include the Treasurer, a vendor representative, the upcoming conference host, and/or current members.

Who is eligible to apply? Applicants must be:

  • Currently employed as a member of the planetarium staff, or a student/intern at an active planetarium in the SEPA region.
  • A full SEPA member (not a vendor).
  • Volunteers may apply if they can demonstrate a high level of involvement at their home institution or in the planetarium field. A recommended method is to obtain a reference letter from a supervisor attesting to the volunteer’s role and contributions. Volunteers must also be full SEPA members.
  • Unable to attend conference without financial assistance.

If you are unsure of your eligibility, please get in touch with the PDC Chair, Maggie Connelly.

What are the steps to apply?

  1. Complete and submit an application form (electronically or by postal mail) to the committee chair by the listed deadline – Extended to April 15, 2024.
  2. Register for conference by posted deadlines.

What is award amount? Each award covers the conference registration fees. The SEPA Treasurer will pay this once the awardee has completed conference registration. If funds allow, a stipend will be given for travel and/or hotel costs. Awardees are responsible for turning in receipts to the SEPA Treasurer following conference in order to receive the stipend check.

What are the obligations of award recipients?

  • Each award recipient must present a paper or poster at conference.
  • The paper, or a write-up of the poster, must be submitted to the editor of the SEPA Journal immediately following the conference. (The 2025 Conference is June 17-21, so the submission deadline will be August 1st for the September issue).

Application Timeline:

  1. Application Forms and Guidelines will be announced by email, dome-L, social media, etc. to all current members at least 3 months before the conference.
  2. Applications will be due to the committee chair by the deadline – April 1, 2025.
  3. The PDC will review all applications and rate them based on need, benefit and commitment.
  4. Successful applicants will be notified of their selection on or about April 29, 2025, so they can complete registration before the early registration deadline.
  5. Applicants will submit paper/poster summary to the journal editor immediately following the conference.

SEPA Professional Development Application – Deadline for applications is now April 1, 2025.

Complete the application form below, or download the application, print, complete and mail to:

Maggie Connelly
Roper Mountain Science Center
402 Roper Mountain Road
Greenville, NC 29615

SEPA Professional Development Online Application