[dropcap style=”square” colored=”true”]R[/dropcap]egistration for the SEPA/WAC 2016 Conference is now open!
Early delegate registration for the 2016 conference is $145. After May 1, 2016 the standard delegate registration for the 2016 conference will be $175.
All paper presenters will receive a $25 discount on conference registration! Submissions must be received by May 1, 2016. Don’t miss this opportunity to contribute to your conference. Be sure to fill out the form located on the Call for Papers section of the website to take advantage of this discount.
Registration deadlines are as follows:
- May 1: early registration ends
- May 30: standard registration ends
To mail in your Delegate Registration, please download the [button link=”http://www.sepadomes.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/SEPA-2016-Delegate-Conference-Registration-B.pdf” open_new_tab=”true”]Mail-in Form[/button]
To purchase your 2016 Conference Delegate Registration online via credit card, please use the form below.
You will be able to renew your SEPA, PPA, RMPA, GPPA, and SWAP Annual Memberships as well as purchase Meals and Trips for your Guests on the checkout screen.
Sorry, submissions are now closed.