[dropcap style=”square” colored=”true”]R[/dropcap]egistration for the SEPA/WAC 2018 Conference is now open!

Early delegate registration for the 2018 conference is $175. After May 1, 2018, the standard delegate registration for the 2018 conference will be $225.

All non-commercial paper presenters will receive a $25 gift card! Don’t miss this opportunity to contribute to your conference. Be sure to fill out the form located here to take advantage of this offer.

SEPA Professional Development Fund Silent Auction 2018
The Silent Auction is a fun activity held at each SEPA Conference. SEPA members provide items to be sold to benefit the Professional Development Fund, which was set up by SEPA Council in order to help colleagues and interns who might not otherwise be able to afford to attend the conference or a workshop.

For participants who cannot send or bring the item to the conference, or if you are offering a service or custom craft rather than a complete and tangible object, please complete and submit the Silent Auction Form.

If you think you are a good candidate for the SEPA Professional Development Fund or would like more information, visit the SEPA Professional Development Fund web page.

Registration deadlines are as follows:

  • May 1: early registration ends
  • June 4: standard registration ends
To mail in your Delegate Registration, please download the [button link=”http://www.sepadomes.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/SEPA-Conference-2018-Delegate-Regist.pdf” open_new_tab=”true”]Mail-in Form[/button]


To purchase your 2018 Conference Delegate Registration online via credit card, please use the form below.

You will be able to renew your SEPA, PPA, RMPA, GPPA, and SWAP Annual Memberships as well as purchase registration for Mini LIPS 2018, workshops, and meals for your guests on the checkout screen.

(Registration is now closed)